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Retail Pharmacy Benefits for Patients

Sonoran Drugs Retail Pharmacy for Patients

90 days, 6 months, or 1 year supply on maintenance medications

You've been on the same thyroid, blood pressure, diabetic, cholesterol for years.  Why be restricted to just 1 or 3 months as dictated by your insurance?  Fill 6 month's or a full year's worth of your prescription and save trips to the pharmacy or have them delivered/shipped and save money!

Same Day Delivery/Shipping Available

Hate making multiple trips to the pharmacy just to find out the insurance doesn't cover the medication, or it just isn't ready yet after the doctor sent it yesterday.  Sit back, relax and utilize our shipping/deliver options (including same day!)

Drugs Not Covered by your insurance or needs a Prior Authorization?

There are numerous generic medications not covered by your insurance.  (Examples: medications for Erectile Dysfunction, Weight Loss, Skin creams)  The big retail pharmacies know which medications are routinely not covered by insurance and thus charge excessively high cash prices compared to what it cost them to acquire those medications.

Paying $5/month or $15/90 day supply or more on your generic medications with insurance?

You are probably paying too much for that medication.  Contact us today and let us see how we can help you save on prescription drug costs.


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